, |   (+91)-9600044447 / (+91)-9600100055



  • Parent - Teacher meetings will be held as per schedule mentioned in diary. Parents shall interact with teachers regarding their wards performance in academics, progress, behavior and other activities.
  • Parent-Teacher meet is intended for better understanding of each other. It is compulsory for all parents to attend the same.
  • Parents shall not be allowed to meet the teachers during the working hours.


  • Our School shall stay in touch with the Parents through Parents App SMS / Voice digital method of communication.
  • The Parents are expected to attend all the events and programmes organized by the school for motivating their wards.
  • Students must report to school before 8.40 am. Those who fail to reach by 8.45 am will be considered absent for half-a-day's attendance.
  • A student coming late to school for the first and second time will be allowed only with a warning and the same will be notified to the parent through the diary. When the student comes late for the third time the parent will be called to take the student home. Habitual late comers will not be allowed to continue in the school.
  • We encourage 100% attendance.
  • Leave forms have been issued in this diary.. In case of additional requirement these forms can be photocopied and used for the purpose.
  • In case of long absence due to sickness, produce an authentic medical Certificate.
  • Ensure the day to day events and personal (or) general directions given by the teachers by referring the diary every day.
  • A record of the addresses of the parent or guardian is maintained in the school office. Any change of address should be communicated without delay. It is the responsibility of the parents to promptly inform us regarding change of address (or) contact number.
  • Interact with your child everyday and guide him to abide by the rules and regulations.
  • Promotions are based on overall performance and continuous assessments that evaluate the class work, home assignments & projects done by the students.
  • Please inform the school about specific health problems, allergies and recent illness suffered by the child, for enabling us to help better.
  • Avoid feeding them with junk food.
  • Cellular phones, iPad, Laptop or any such electronic gadgets are not allowed inside the school premises.
  • Children must carry the lunch boxes along with them.
  • The school strictly follows vegetarianism within the premises.
  • Avoid permitting the child to remain in the school campus before (or) after working hours unnecessarily for a long time.
  • Help your child to learn hygiene by trimming the nails, keeping wax free ears, teaching technical brushing which protects them from all diseases.
  • Help your child to maintain the books neatly wrapped and labelled.
  • Train them to keep their belongings safely as well as to replace or return the things that do not belong to them to the teachers.
  • Do provide the passport size photo of both father and mother for the ID card of parents In case of a driver or assistant dropping or picking up the child their photograph must also be furnished.
  • Encourage your child to participate actively in all the programs.


  • Be punctual
  • Be regular to school and attentive in classroom
  • Complete your Home Work at Home
  • Your cleanliness and smart appearance is taken into account for grading your health habits
  • Obey strictly all your teacher's instructions
  • Follow the rules given in the diary regarding “UNIFORM & SHOES”


  • Along with knowledge you are going to develop life skills and social behavior.
  • Obey your Teachers. Pupils shall greet one another and their teachers with the additional “Namaste” and their behavior towards Parents and all elders shall be marked with respect and obedience.
  • On a teacher entering the class room the pupils shall raise and remain standing till they are advised to sit or till the teacher takes a seat. At the end of the class, when the teacher leaves, the pupils shall raise again, express gratitude and resume their seats quickly.
  • Learn to communicate in English. Students are encouraged to speak in English in the school premises to acquire greater ease in the study of Language. Use polite language & practice simplicity.
  • Bring your diary every day to school. Note down your work and instructions in the diary. Acknowledgements from parents wherever required must be obtained systematically.
  • Keep yourself, your class, play area, your study area spick and span. Never litter the floor / class.
  • Return the library books on time.
  • Be free to talk to your teacher when you have a problem.
  • The pupils are expected to co-operate in keeping the premises of the school neat and tidy and therefore refrain from scribbling on the walls and scattering bits of paper. Any objectionable practices like damaging the furniture, dirtying the floor or spitting in corners will be viewed very seriously.
  • Use your handkerchief and napkins whenever necessary.
  • Don't loiter in the corridor. Any pupil found loitering in the school premises shall be seriously dealt with.
  • Help your juniors and friends.
  • Foul language, teasing others, indulging in dishonest means will bring down your grades.
  • The pupils are prohibited from giving gifts to teachers.